Date Type Topic Focus Speakers
Feb 6 London Dinner “Shake Up the City Money Tree” When and why will markets turn Lord Willetts
Gervais Williams
Feb 22 London Dinner “Manufacturing Manifesto” Importance of advanced manufacturing for the economy Senior government participation
Mar 6 London Pub “Investor Pains” How to avoid the wrong investors Bessemer members
Corporate law firm
Mar 26 London Dinner “New Nuclear and Fusion” Urgency to deliver base load to meet future demand Nuclear AMRC
Rolls-Royce SMR
Tokamak Energy
Apr 24 Sheffield Dinner “ManuTech UK” Plotting growth in the automation and robotics sectors Factory 2050
May 15 London Pub “Ready to Go Big” When is the right timing to raise a major investment round Bessemer members
May 30 Manchester Dinner “A National Strategy for the New and Advanced Materials Sector” The Challenge to build on the UK’s Powerful Scientific Assets Henry Royce Institute
Manchester Innovation Factory
July 8 Oxford Dinner “Quantum Computing & Technologies” UK’s Place in the Global Race Dr Jason Crain, IBM Research
Dr Michael Cuthbert, Director NQCC
Roger McKinlay, Director Quantum Challenge Fund, UKRI
July 18 Bristol Dinner “Leveraging Defence and Aerospace Assets” Where Defence and Aerospace Sovereign Assets Intersect Lord Willetts
Sir Iain Gray, Cranfield Aerospace
Sep 10 Sheffield Dinner “Levelling up with Ambition” The Golden Triangle and Titanium Triangle Stan Boland
Tony Raven
David Richards
Sep 25 London pub “Bessemer Phase 2” Bessemer’s Five Year Plan Review Bessemer members and a third-party commentator
Oct 8 London Dinner “New Entrepreneurs” Presentations by 12 new first time founders for the Bessemer Award Scott White, Pragmatic Semiconductor
Bessemer members
Oct 31 Gaydon, Coventry Dinner “EV Performance Supply Chain” Gaps and opportunities for the performance supply chain Evtec
Birmingham University
Nov 14 London Pub “Working with the Gulf States” Investment and collaboration opportunities Gulf specialists
Dec 4 London Dinner “Bessemer Lifetime Fellowship and New Entrepreneur Awards” Winners receive their Awards supported by sponsors High Level Guest to Make the Award

The format of a meeting

Meetings typically comprise:

Short Presentations by Members
Drinks and networking

Event Payment

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Sort code: 20-60-38
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NB: By private invitation only. Contact admin@bessemer-society.co.uk for further information.